Power Up Your Community: Get Your Q1 Goals Back on Track with HOA Management Software Solutions

HOA management software with PayHOA

If you’re playing catch-up or fine-tuning your plans, Q1 is the perfect time for HOA management to embrace digital innovation. Even if January slipped by, implementing HOA management software now can transform your community’s trajectory for the rest of the year. As HOA boards face increasing demands for transparency, efficiency, and modern solutions, having a…

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Multigenerational Households: A Growing Trend in Self-managed HOAs

self managed HOA

Key Takeaways Neighborhoods governed by homeowners associations aren’t only for single individuals, couples, or retirees. It’s becoming more common for large families to reside in self-managed HOA communities, A gradual lifestyle shift has occurred in American households over the last several decades. From 1971 to 2021, the number of individuals living in multigenerational homes quadrupled…

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Beyond Living Next Door—Building Real Connections in an HOA

community association software

An HOA is a unique setting. Even though residents live in the same community, they might not feel connected. If they don’t know what’s happening in the neighborhood, like which events are being planned, they’ll feel like the HOA is just somewhere they live and not an association to which they belong.  Unlike typical neighborhoods,…

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Software Your Self-managed Condo Association Can’t Ignore 

condo management software

Key Takeaways:  What’s In It For Me? The Benefits of HOA Software for a Self-managed Condo Association Living in a condo community is a unique experience. It’s a place to call home and so much more. Condos allow residents to connect, share experiences, and build a peaceful, communal environment. However, it’s up to the condo…

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Retiring Soon? Condo Management May Be in Your Future

condo management software

Key Takeaways: From House to High-Rise: Exploring the Appeal of Condo Life for Retirees Americans are reaching the retirement age in record numbers. It’s the crest of the silver tsunami––the wave of baby boomers turning 65 and either retiring or staying in the workforce.  Those choosing retirement are also making major lifestyle changes. They’re relocating…

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Condo Management Comes Easy with PayHOA

condo association software

Self-managed condo associations are on the rise. These associations, run entirely by volunteer board members and committees, bypass traditional property management companies in favor of direct governance. The appeal is understandable: condo management without a property management company saves money, allows residents to take more control over community decisions, and fosters a stronger sense of…

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Simplify Your HOA Finances, Simplify Your Life

HOA finances

Key Takeaways: Remember how your mom always told you not to bite off more than you could chew? (This comment was likely paired with a reminder to keep your elbows off the table.) If you’re a volunteer helping run your HOA finances, you might occasionally hear the echo of Mom’s voice in your mind, whispering,…

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What to Expect When Your HOA Hires a Bookkeeping Service

HOA bookkeeping

Key Takeaways:  Homeowners associations are like businesses in that they must maintain accurate, up-to-date financial records. When this responsibility falls on board members or volunteers, it often leads to stress and uncertainty. Most people get involved with their HOAs to help residents, not perform financial admin. That’s why many communities hire a professional HOA bookkeeping…

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How Self Managed HOA Software Makes HOA Elections Simple

Self Managed HOA Software

Key Takeaways: HOA elections are a critical part of any homeowners association, especially in self managed HOA communities. Elections allow new people with fresh ideas and energy to step into leadership roles, keeping the community moving forward in exciting directions. But organizing elections can be a daunting task for HOA board members if you don’t…

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The ROI of Investing in HOA Management Software

HOA Management Software

Key Takeaways: If you serve a local HOA as a leader or volunteer, you know that wise budgeting and financial management are among the most important parts of your job. Whether you’re a volunteer or board member, your leadership team is responsible for managing your neighbors’ money well. Accurate budgeting and smart spending will ensure…

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